EFA-SRT® CR Premium hitrotekoča rolo vrata
EFAFLEX Reinraumtor EFA-SRT CR Premium
The clean room doors of the CR series by EFAFLEX are perfectly adjusted to the requirements in controlled production zones. They guarantee the tightness of all accesses. The powerful high-speed doors have a smooth surface structure and no protruding edges. Therefore, they can be easily cleaned and depositing of particles is largely excluded. The GMP-compatible door types of the CR series are mainly made of V2A. Like all high-speed doors by EFAFLEX, the EFAFLEX clean room doors are enormously heavy-duty and require low maintenance thanks to their excellent quality. The most important argument for EFAFLEX clean room doors is, however, their air tightness which considerably contributes to saving costs in clean rooms, as well as their modular structure in a clinical design.
EFAFLEX Reinraumtor EFA-SRT CR Premium
Vrata za čiste prostore serije CR podjetja EFAFLEX so popolnoma prilagojena zahtevam v nadzorovanih proizvodnih območjih. Zagotavljajo tesnost vseh dostopov. Močna vrata za visoke hitrosti imajo gladko površino in nimajo štrlečih robov. Zato jih je mogoče enostavno očistiti in v veliki meri izključiti odlaganje delcev. Tipi vrat serije CR, združljivi z GMP, so večinoma izdelani iz materiala V2A. Tako kot vsa vrata za visoke hitrosti podjetja EFAFLEX so tudi vrata za čiste prostore EFAFLEX izredno vzdržljiva in zaradi svoje odlične kakovosti ne potrebujejo veliko vzdrževanja. Najpomembnejši argument za vrata EFAFLEX za čiste prostore je njihova zrakotesnost, ki znatno prispeva k prihranku stroškov v čistih prostorih, ter njihova modularna struktura v klinični zasnovi.